Monday, December 3, 2007

It is very expensive to eat healthy and to "go green"

The La Times reported, in a recent survey some would pay more for green PCs and TVs. I would as well. But that is not the point. The point is why? Why does it have to cost more money to "go green?" Why does it cost more to eat better and healthier foods? The hybrid car costs an average of $3000 more than the conventional car.

According to the Journal of Food and Science, "organic food is 10 to 40 percent higher in price than similair conventionally-produced products."

Why is it that you can spend 20 dollars in a grocery store like Publix and walk about with a lot of fruit and vegetables. On the other hand if you were to spend 20 dollars in a grocery store like Whole Foods Market you would only walk out with two or three fruits and vegetables.

Why can you get a meal for five dollars at Wendy's on their dollar menu?

It is so incredibly easy for people to be unhealthy and obese. In today's world it almost seems that companies want you to be obese? I don't really know, we live in a crazy world.

Manatees need our help

According to the News-Press, "For such a docile creature, the Florida manatee sure can keep a controversy boiling. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will vote Wednesday whether to reclassify the manatee from endangered to threatened on the state’s list of imperiled species. State scientists and recreational fishermen say reclassification is scientifically justified; the leading manatee-advocacy organization says the science demands that manatees remain endangered."

This in really incredible. Manatees are gentle slow moving creatures. They need humans to protect them, by keeping them on the endangered list and making an attempt to protect them. I live on a canal. A very populated manatee area. Along with their devistating fate, people on boats that go by very fast. I see it everyday, the boats go speeding by without a care. Without so much as taking the time to slow down and turn off their propellers. I try to protect them by asking which really amounts to yelling because the boats are speeding by, to slow down. Most of the time, boaters don't care. My neighbor spent money and time puting up a sign, manatee zone. Boaters still don't slow down.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources uses the same science that the state adopted, and determined that the manatee meets the criteria for being endangered,” manatee club Executive Director Pat Rose said. “We’ve been saying it all along, but this turns it from supposition to fact.“If you use the same science and same criteria, you’ll come out with endangered. Had the state done that, there’s no question the manatee would remain endangered.”

With teen harrasment and suicide on the rise, I believe that mandatory self worth/self esteem classes help.

According to CNN, Megan Meier, 13, killed herself after receiving a critical message on the MySpace social networking site from someone she thought was a boy named "Josh."

Missouri prosecutor said Monday "no charges would be sought in the case of a teen who hanged herself last year after chatting on MySpace, although he said adults should have prevented the tragedy."

Indeed this is a tragedy. One that could have been prevented. You can watch an emotional video with Megan's parents talking about her suicide.

According to the Baltimore Sun, in regard to Megans death, 64 percent of youths are harrassed online.

St. Charles County, Missouri, Prosecuting Attorney Jack Banas said, "Missouri's harassment statute says nothing about the Internet, and the stalking statute requires repeated conversations, so neither would apply in this case."

Since the harrasment and suicide among teens keeps rising, why doesn't each state update their statutes? Are they lazy? Don't they care? It sickens me to know that nobody will be charged in Megans suicide because Missouri statue says nothing about the internet!

I propose a mandatory self worth/esteem class required for middle school and high school. Why not? Schools make students take mandatory physical ed, sex ed, and drivers ed. I don’t know what it is? Maybe students don’t have enough guidance at home? Maybe they aren’t taught to value and respect themselves as well as others? All I know is times are changing, rapidly. We have got to help our youth.