Sunday, September 30, 2007

Free speech and the fate of J. David McSwane, editor in chief of The Rocky Mountain Collegian.

Please take a moment to read about J. David McSwane the Colorado College Editor Faces Hearing Next Week Over Editorial. In case you want to read more here is another article.

Now that you have read what is going on in Colorado, what is your reaction? After I read this I was filled with anger towards the group of college republicans and others who are way too sensitive.

"The question of free speech quickly became political, with a campus group, the College republicans circulating a petition calling for Mr. McSwane’s resignation"

WTF?!?!?! If the issue of using the "F" word is means a college group of republicans is going to petition for your resignation then beware to everyone, republicans are on the loose. Come on people first of all, there are more important things going on in the world other than the F word being published. People are dying, starving and being abused and murdered oh lets not forget the never ending war we are in. Please don't forget about the world that is falling victim to global warming and the extinction of animals.

In my opinion J. David McSwane was well within his rights to publish and say what he wants. I would do anything in my power to see that he doesn't get fired.

I will say this I don't feel that it is every necessary to use curse words in any situation. However, it's our right to free speech to say them any time we please.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Buying a ticket to a movie even when you don't have time to watch it.

Yes I bought a ticket to a movie just so my money could be counted in for opening weekend numbers......and I didn't even stay to watch it. I was too busy this weekend to watch a movie but, it was important to me that I helped out Dane Cook. I believe in him, I adore him and I been waiting for months to see "Good Luck Chuck". Everyone knows that the opening weekend is the most important in movies, so I contributed my part.

The comedy "Good Luck Chuck"starring Dane Cook and Jessica Alba just opened this past weekend with a review from the

I'm proud to have helped opening weekend numbers and I will gladly buy another ticket and actually stay to see the movie next weekend.

Dane Cook; comedian, actor, musician, the guy on who has over 2 million friends and a cutie with a Boston accent. In case you don't know about Dane or his comedy check out his official website.

My co-workers said I was stupid for running out to buy a ticket on my lunch break. But you can't let others discourage you in doing something you believe in.

I met Dane back in 2003 at a comedy club in Tampa, I have been a fan ever since.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Taking a stand against dog fighting and animal cruelty. (please click this link)

I have always loved football. However, when a certain NFL quarterback (I can't even bring myself to mention his name), was charged and pled guilty to dog fighting and animal cruelty including the murder of dogs. I cut football out of my life forever.

Since that horrible day back on July 17, 2007 when I heard and saw images of that that thing and by thing I mean NFL quarterback did to those dogs, I have cut off football from my life. Yes just that quick. You have to start somewhere when you believe in something with all of your heart.

The NFL should take a stand against dog fighting and animal cruelty. They should rewrite their contracts with the players stating the issue. The NFL should do this because dog fighting and animal cruelty is not only illegal it's inhumane.

A perfect example of someone voiceing their opinion on issues that are important to them is PETA. They are setting a perfect example of standing up for what you believe in.

Michael Vick gave a speech apologizing but to who? It sure wasn't to the hundreds of innocent dogs. Just because he apologized in public, doesn't mean the public have to believe him. Especially when Michael Vick has been involved with dog fighting his entire life.

I encourage you to take a stand in something you believe in.

Please take a moment of your time to lobby for animals.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Larry Craig and Rob Zombie - is there more of a connection than you think?

Personally, I don't like people who break the law. To me there isn't a difference between a republican, a sexual predator (in Larry Craig's case they are one in the same). Also, when movie writers/producers show evil/torture/violence on the big screen and label it "entertainment."

"Craig wants to see if he can get his guilty plea overturned. And he's got a lawyer who thinks the Senate ethics committee should not bother looking into Craig's behavior because it's a misdemeanor."

Craig's lawyers say his behavior in this matter is "wholly unrelated" from this CNN article to his official duties, what?!?)

On the topic of Craig's lewd behavior his lawyer said it's "wholly unrelated to his job." It seems that being a pervert is ok?

Lets take a short journey into the world of horror movies. Rob Zombie released the movie "House of 1000 Corpses" back in 2003. This movie is pure here to find out more.

Movie producers such as Rob Zombie write and create movies like "House of 1000 Corpses" that portray evil, murder and psychotics enjoying themselves while torturing others. I ask myself, how did they come up with this story? It really isn't that far fetched from the world we live in.

I also ask myself why is it ok for politicians mainly republicans to break the law and be sexual predators without consequence?

Movies such as "House of 1000 Corpses" display psychotics breaking the law without consequence as well.

I think the message the political & entertainment world is sending out an irresponsible message. The message seems to be if you break the law you will be punished but if "I" break the law there is not any consequence because "I" am in political office, or "I" am just creating a movie for entertainment.

Monday, September 10, 2007